05 September 2013


It's Thursday! Time for the weekly blog hop with the Proverbs 31 Online Bible Study!!

Sound excite? Normally, I would be very excited but I'm feeling under the weather. I hope this post will convey my true feelings! I AM EXCITED!

I attend a not so mega church (about 110 average) here in little ole Bowling Green, KY. About 19 months ago, we got this crazy new pastor. He came in and went right to work. Found data on our area, data about the unchurched. He put together a  refocus committee, to take a good look at our church. This past summer, he had us do the unthinkable! We quit having Sunday School on Sunday Mornings!!

I have to admit ... I was a little leery of this move because I didn't know when my kids would get to attend with me working a day job and then another at night. After the first couple of Sundays of not having to be at church by 9:45 ... Fell in love with the new schedule!! All "Sunday School" for kids and teens moved to Wednesday Nights. We have made the shift from "Wednesday Night Sunday School" to "Wednesday Night LIFE Groups". There is one LIFE Group for adults on Sunday mornings, a men's LIFE Group and women's too that meet twice a month, an adult LIFE Group on Monday and on Thursday.

What does this have to do about fresh vision? EVERYTHING! I was more worried about me and my kids than about reaching the lost. 

By the end of Summer Break, I was able to quit my night job so I could take my kids to their LIFE Groups on Wednesday night! I'm so thankful for that!

But this still isn't the fresh vision ... 

The fresh vision is reaching as many people as possible for Christ! 

We have started a Capital Campaign to raise funds to add onto our current building. After the new structure is in place the current sanctuary will be remodeled into a Children's Worship area and the current "fellowship hall" and classrooms will become the Teen Worship area!! 

Here's the thing. This isn't the field of dreams where "if you build it they will come". No. This is different. This is "if you don't build it no one is going to stay". Church buildings are tools and only tools. With more space, we can invite AA or NA to meet in our building, we can offer it Boy Scout troops. Maybe even on day participate in the Upward program! With the space we can offer ourselves to our community! 

Even our name has changed! By accident but it works. We used to be called First Church of the ....... Over the years, because there are several First Churches on our district, it became know as BGFirst. Now our logo has it as BGFirst. When I first saw it ... It hit me!

Bowling Green First. Bowling Green 1st! Our name (to me) means Bowling Green comes first! Wait ... Jesus comes first! Bowling Green comes first in front of us. In order to reach my hometown for Christ, my needs have to come 2nd. I have to have a heart for people! I have to capture God's vision to love those who are on the outside of His Kingdom and being them in with His love. It's NOT about me! It's about Jesus!


  1. Thank you for sharing your fresh vision that you and your church family is experiencing. Your excitement shines through in this post even if you are feeling under the weather. I am stopping by from the blog hop. I hope you have a lovely day!

  2. How cool... I'm headed to little ol' Bowling Green tomorrow for class at WKU! Thank you for sharing your fresh vision. Praying that you will see that as you reach the needs of your community, your community will serve the purpose of meeting those needs in you (if that makes sense!) Praying for your new vision. Thanks for sharing!!!!
    Lauren, P31 OBS Small Group Leader
